
My husband Troy

11:06 Aug 26 2014 Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

My husband...Troy is also a selfless, giving, hardworking man that would give me the $5 bill in his pocket for lunch...and he would keep the four quarters for "a coffee". He gets up at dawn and returns home sometimes when the sun is setting...without one complaint about his day. That's my If dinner wasn't made...he would make a sandwich or wait until the kids and I returned from the mall probably and see what we wanted. He asks for NOTHING...and gives so much.
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decent men, stepping up:

23:45 Jan 05, 2014

Kingston, PA, USA, 0 Kms

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Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 0 Kms

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Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 0 Kms

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11:07 Aug 26, 2014

Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 0 Kms