
my beloved Mother taught me that just because you don't succeed the1rst or 2d time, you keep trying

11:22 May 13 2012 Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA

my beloved Mother taught me that just because you don't succeed the1rst or 2d time, you keep trying
We sang Serdeczna Matko at mass today, just as Leon did at our wedding and Aunt Dolores' friend Walter did at Mother's funeral. I got a little teary, and Pete leaned over and whispered "Just don't do it" repeating my mother's advice when I worried about crying at my wedding. It worked just as well today as it did on our wedding day, but that's okay, because if my beloved Mother taught me anything she taught me that just because you don't succeed the first or second time, you keep trying because the true sin would be to give up in despair. Today, I remember how we were truly blessed to have Joannie from Pringle
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