
taking care of my sister

13:58 Jul 1 2016 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

I just wanted to put a post on your wall and tell you thank you again for taking care of my sister while she was in the hospital down Philadelphia I could not have asked for someone to be as kind gentle and caring as you were and still are I wish I could have met you in person because I would love to meet the person that helped make my sister feel comfortable and that's out there when we couldn't be there when she had her surgery is done thank you so much again words cannot say how grateful I am for having you around I appreciate it ever so much thank you so much
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Amanda's boss

13:12 Nov 26, 2014

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 0 Kms

Levees hold, prevent $3 BILLION in damages

14:35 Apr 01, 2015

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 0 Kms

Mom Life

11:36 Oct 01, 2016

Luzerne County, 0 Kms

some kind person paid for my meal-Thank you to whoever that person was.

03:07 Dec 24, 2016

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 0 Kms

100 year old barber

11:55 May 30, 2014

Nanticoke, 4.49 Kms