
Mimi Ko Cruz

15:17 Nov 23 2016 Univ. of California Humanities Research Institiute

Mimi Ko Cruz
Thank you Mimi Ko Cruz or writing so kindly and engagingly about the World Gratitiude Map. We're grateful for you! and the work of UCHRI.
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Military Man at Rose Parade

13:54 Jan 01, 2013

Irvine, 1.82 Kms

My mother is the strongest and most beautiful woman I know

13:50 Feb 02, 2014

Irvine, California, 3.33 Kms

#Grateful on Twitter

19:24 Feb 20, 2013

University Drive, Turtle Rock, Irvine, Orange, California, 92612, United States of America, 5.67 Kms

Grateful for Compassion

01:39 Jan 02, 2013

Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA, 7.53 Kms

Grateful for Family and Friends

13:06 Jan 01, 2013

Santa Ana, CA 92704, USA, 8.68 Kms