Here are our 3 Good Things Today:
1) 40,000 hits!
Just a few minutes ago The World Gratitude Map had its 40,000 page view, from somewhere in Macedonia! 16,500 users in 80 countries over 6 continents? That's a lot of gratitude. Thanks for helping us keep our eyes on all that is good & beautiful and possible in the World.
2) Radio Interviews!
Also grateful for the chance to chat with two special interviewers about the map.
Johnny Molson of AliceFM believes that people are fundamentally decent, it's just the bad people tend to be louder. In our interview he explored how the World Gratitude Map helps amplify the good.
Meanwhile Michelle Constant at SouthAfricaFM reminds listeners that a focus on gratitude fosters the resilience South Africans are famous for.
You can hear the interviews for yourself on YouTube
3) Grateful for Positive Press!
NBCNews: World Gratitude Map is "a crowd-sourcing project with an uplifting mission." http://www.nbcnews. com/id/50337623/ns/technology_ and_science-science/#. URkmJaXC34Y
America Magazine: The map “tracks outbreaks of gratefulness across the earth in microposts from gratitudees, geographically e-pegged and telling tales of good fortune and thanks that can be read by all." http://americamagazine. org/issue/forty-years-hence "Don't Worry Be Grateful"
Scientific American:: "new online map encourages users to document and celebrate the good things in life, a practice that some research suggests may bolster immune system function and increase feelings of well-being/" http://www. article.cfm?id=gratitude-map- invites-use
Thanks, everybody, for spreading the word that Gratitude is Contagious. Pass it on.
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